Hi, my name is Luke and I’m the creator of the TechTreatBox. I’m a developer, a dad, and a big tech enthusiast. I love new shiny gadgets as well I pay a lot of attention to the office accessories I use. Mainly because I spend a lot of time behind the desk and I really want to stay as healthy as possible (been through permanent lower back pain and CTS so I really mean it!)
I know that there’s a lot of people like me – who spend long hours in the office and at the same time they want to be as healthy as possible. This is why here at techtreatbox.com my goal is to provide you with unbiased reviews and useful information to help you select great gadgets and office accessories for yourself and/or people that are closest to you like your partner, your parents, or even your little ones.
I hope this website is going to be helpful to you. However, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to get in touch with me.
Also, make sure that you check the most popular articles I’ve written so far: